esb and iDR0

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  • #22294
    Profile photo of josiaspiconejosiaspicone

    I´m using an iDR10 with ESB and an iDR0 for monitor and PA respectively, and wondered to myself if its possible to send signals from iDR0 to iDR10 using the ESB OUT of the iDR0 and the ESB IN of the iDR10, like fx RTNs, main mix, and things of the like. I think its posible but I would like your opinion.


    Solo se que no se nada

    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Josias

    Yes it is possible to send audio between systems using the Port B expansion slot.

    The link below shows how to setup the hardware depending on your application.

    Once you have setup the hardware and setup your clock source settings. (Note: with EtherSound make sure you setup your Master/Slave options correctly in the touchscreen panel – Mixrack Setup – mixrack preferences – PortA/B Setup)

    Go to the system you wish to send inputs from, then go to the outputs page of the touchscreen and select the outputs you wish to send via the port B tab.
    On the system recieveing the audio go to the input channel pre-amp and source audio from Port B and its relative channel.

    hope this helps
    Sam A&H

    Profile photo of RexeltwRexeltw

    Hola Josias

    We often use this configuration however one thing to remember is that you still only have one set of A/D’s so each engineer will have to share the same gain structure (albeit with digital trims). This is fine most of the time but often touring engineers can get a little unhappy about the lack of monitor desk gain control!

    Good luck


    Just remember kids no matter how good your mixing is you can’t polish a turd…

    Profile photo of josiaspiconejosiaspicone

    Thanks Sam, that is exactly what I was thinking of doing, but I wanted to consut it first. And thanks Sean too, I´m beeing used the digital split since a year, and you are right, they hate to share the HA gain, but I lock the analog gain on master mixer, so during the show they are much more calm.


    Solo se que no se nada

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