Virtual Soundcheck

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  • #22134
    Profile photo of linkx500linkx500

    I understand that with a MADI or Ethersound expansion the iLive can do multitrack recording. My question is how early in the signal chain can one route the inputs to the MADI or Ethersound interface? If I was to playback the recorded tracks through the same channels as the live inputs were routed, would any gain adjustments be acurate? Or am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance

    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    If I understand things correctly,and I so often don’t these days Ethersound and MADI can be routed from just after the head amp, this is how the digital monitor split works. That may be post the HPF but I can’t remember.
    I assume you could then route the now tape returns via MADI or Ethersound to you inputs where as it is a digital signal you would have trim + or- 24dB.

    Like I said think that is correct but Leon or Carey will have chapter and verse on the subject.

    Profile photo of linkx500linkx500

    Thanks Mr B

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