2 wishes and 1 idea (maybe crazee)

Forums Forums iLive Forums Archived iLive Discussions 2 wishes and 1 idea (maybe crazee)

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  • #22085
    Profile photo of mumumumu

    the wish 1:
    adress the signal gen (pink noise e.t.c.) to a softknob (on/off)

    the wish 2:
    multiple Physical input assignment:
    1.i want to set channel(dsp)1 to 30 as f.o.h. channels (slot a1 to d6)
    2.i want to set channel(dsp)31 to 60 as mon channels(slot a1 to d6)all at once icluding switching em to trim…

    the “strange” idea :
    a speaker simulator-why ?
    i could prepare all sorts of monitor eq sets.
    could be a effect to be inserted in the aux….
    to avoid endless impulse-responses “making” by A&H it should be possible
    to load own impulse-responses and create a database for all users….where they could load em up

    let me know if i am gone completely nutter


    allen&heath i-live digital /focusrite octopre/ rme digi/multiface/
    samplitude pro v 10.01 / sample-tank / synthogy ivory / DFHS drummer
    algoritmix renovator/de scratch pro/de noise pro/peq orange red and blue /K-stereo

    Profile photo of papromikepapromike

    Wish 1 you can already do

    Assign the Preamp (example preamp Slot A Socket 1) to Channels 1 and then 30

    They each share the same mic preamp but you have seperate DSP control on each control channel

    Internal Splitting..

    the Other one UMM dunno…

    Profile photo of ZiKEZiKE

    I’ll extend Dave’s wish. It will be nice if this patching can be done in 15 seconds, not in few minutes as now. Now it is neccessary to patch individually all channels. The most usefull patchbay I ever used is in D-Show system. Just click, move and declick. In this way you can patch all console in seconds.
    Best regards


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