Setting soft keys as scenes

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    Profile photo of JoshJosh123JoshJosh123

    Im using Avantis in a church setting. I would like to be able to use the soft keys as shortcuts to the different scenes. (One touch presets.) So far I have not seen that this is an option. While using soft keys to scroll through scenes is nice, it’s not helpful for our use.

    I have set up a scene for our 7am, a different one for our 9am, and yet another for our 11am, plus funerals, weddings, etc etc. However, I have to go to the touch screen and press a series of buttons to enable each scene. Instead, the idea is to walk in, click a button, and play music.

    We don’t have an a/v pro at every service, so the simpler the better. Any suggestions? Any idea if A&H plans to incorporate that use in an update?

    Profile photo of AlexIGAlexIG

    Because the soft keys change with each scene, I would assume it wouldn’t be possible. At least I haven’t found any other way to swicth scenes other then go into the meune.

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Josh,

    This is definitely possible.
    Make sure you’re running the latest Avantis firmware from
    Select the ‘Scene Controls’ function for a SoftKey and ‘Specific Scene Recall’ followed by the Scene you like to recall.
    Next, check that your SoftKey assignments are Safe in the Scenes / Global Safes screen. The template Shows default to Safe for all SoftKeys, meaning their assignments will not be affected by any Scene recall.

    Profile photo of JoshJosh123JoshJosh123

    Thanks Nicola. I’ll have to update the firmware and give it a go.

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