ZEDR16 Expansion with ADAT Interface?

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  • #126382
    Profile photo of IAMOLDIAMOLD

    Hello Everybody, is it possible to expand the inputs of a ZedR16 with an ADAT Interface? Or only by a second ZEDR16? I can access the adat channels with the firewire connection by a Computer, but I donĀ“t use a computer in my live setup…
    Thanks for reading …

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    The ADAT I/O of the ZED-R16 does not expand the number of channels or input/output sockets of the mixer, it allows individual channels to be sent digitally for recording or for digital signals to be returned into channels for playback. It can also be used as a digital insert per channel.
    These options are described in more detail here – https://www.allen-heath.com/content/uploads/2023/07/AP7236-ISS-3_ZED_R16_USER_GUIDE_colour.pdf#page=35&zoom=auto,-214,820

    So no, if you need more inputs, you would either need a bigger mixer, or a sub mixer which could be fed into the R16.


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