Update Recall Filter

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  • #117759
    Profile photo of MixicMixic

    Hello Community,

    is it possible to update recall filters, like it is for levels?
    For example: I want that in all my snapshots the recall for name&color is turned off, without copying the whole recall filter to all snapshots.

    thank you!

    Profile photo of dcongdondcongdon

    I don’t think this feature exists but would love to see it!

    Profile photo of MixicMixic

    thanks for your reply and sad to hear. yes me too. its pretty annoying especially when changing the bus configuration and than the default is that the recall filter is open on every snapshot… and with 200+ snapshots that’s no fun. 😀

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    There’s global and role filters.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Honestly most of these “issues” seem to stem from the incorrect use of “Shows” vs “Scenes” and “Global” recall filters vs “Scene” recall filters.

    Now I am not saying that there isn’t room for improvement with the scene management system because there is! Personally I find the options available in the recall settings to be too limiting. More options and more granular control of the recall system would be very much appreciated!

    Profile photo of MixicMixic

    Hi Brian,

    what do you think is my fault?


    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    what do you think is my fault?

    Using examples from your posts in this thread……

    If you want to block every scene from loading/changing the name&color (as an example), then you should be using the global recall filter vs trying to add that recall filter on every scene. This way you only have to change it in one place and it will filter every recalled scene (until it is changed or turned off).

    If you are trying to change the buss configuration (part of the Mixer Config), that is a function stored only in the “Show” file. You cannot use “scenes” to make that kind of change. PS – each show file will have their own set of scenes and global safes are saved at the show level (meaning if you load another show, the global safe’s aren’t automatically carried over but it reset to whatever global safes have been stored on that show file). Also note that loading a show file will halt the audio for a couple of seconds while the Mixrack reloads its configuration.

    Also, if you need to update a scene with just a few changes that have been made but you don’t want to overwrite every setting in the old scene, you can use the “Update” feature of the scene management system and use the “Scope” functionality so that only the changes you want to update are overwritten on the original scene. Plus, you can select multiple scenes to make the same changes to at the same time. You don’t need to manually update every scene one at a time with the “same 2 settings” (as an example). You can select every scene you want to have the changes made to in the scene list and change them all at once.

    Profile photo of MixicMixic

    Thank you ◡̈
    Than i think, there is no fault and you answered my question also with „it is not possible.“

    I want in 200 scenes a block of color&name (just to make sure: this scope was an example) but in 2 scenes i want to have it. So I can’t use global safe.

    When i change the bus config in a show, every new scopes of this bus, fx, mix etc. is open by default and not otherwise. What I think would be better.

    Yes! And I would love that I could update, like you described, recall filters. Its only possible with changes in channels etc. Like level, sends, eq etc.


    Profile photo of andiaandia

    for that I use the “copy filter to” option in the scenes menu. that way I have to update my recall filter in only one scene after a change of mixer configuration and after that I copy that recall filter to a range of other scenes. works pretty fast.

    Profile photo of dcongdondcongdon

    When programming for theater, I may have 250+ scenes with several different recall filter “presets” that I use for dialogue, dance or musical number. The copy filter button and Global filters are great, but I am interested in:

    1. Auto-tracking filter updates for a selection of scenes.

    2. User defined “Master scene” that is lockable and not affected by global safes.

    3. A scene filter preset library.

    4. A filter overview window that gives a bird’s eye view of what is globally and locally safed.

    Profile photo of MixicMixic

    Yeees! 100% with you!

    Thank you guys!


    3. A scene filter preset library.


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