Submix EQ

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  • #108745
    Profile photo of SingtallSingtall

    I’m not sure how many have tried this, but I’ll pass on a tip that I’ve been doing since I got the SQ mixer.

    I run submixes for things like drums, where I run a parallel compressor to fatten things up, but the real tip is that I EQ the submix. I find that I end up cutting something like 400hz on each of my drum mics, and maybe add an upper mid frequency somewhere in the 2.5-4khz range… so I went ahead and just did the EQ move on the submix. So now most of my drum channels are EQ’d fairly flat and get the same tone as before, but now I get that tone without adding much channel EQ.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    It would certainly be easier to do that EQ in a group, but it also makes it more limiting. Do you really want the exact same EQ changes (frequency, Q, and level) on every drum? If so, this technic is certainly better. But more often that not I find it isn’t exactly the same and so it is better to do it at the channel level. Now of course you could do both, some unique EQ at the channel level and some “universal” eq at the group level, but that gets harder to manage (ie remembering where each EQ change was made and why you made it). Personally I like to do it at the channel level because of these reasons. But the nice thing about this job is that there is no “right” or “wrong” way of doing things. If a particular process works better for you and it sounds like you want it to, then it really doesn’t matter how you accomplished it! (My opinion certainly does not/should not matter!)

    Thanks for sharing. It’s always great to hear other people’s techniques and the reasoning behind them.

    Profile photo of SingtallSingtall

    I’m using matching tom mics, so I find that the gentle EQ moves that I make translate well across all mics. I’m talking subtle EQ moves though, not major boosts and cuts.

    Profile photo of dazzlingequaldazzlingequal

    I think using EQ is the most simple and optimal way.

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