Strip assignment safes

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  • #44077
    Profile photo of JoZeeJoZee

    Is there any way to turn on scene safes for strip assignment??


    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    Not sure if I got that right, but you can remove surface layout related things from scenes by editing them.


    Profile photo of JoZeeJoZee

    But now i have 150 scenes,
    I have to edit one by one?
    That it the hole idea of scene safes

    Profile photo of UnderscoreUnderscore

    Another option, use “scene import” tool to “strip” or remove the strip assignment from the scenes.

    Basically you can start with a fresh clean show with no scenes, import 1 scene(select all information) with the strip layouts that you do want, then import all remaining scenes(with multiple select) with the strip assignment information filtered(blocked). I’ve been able to successfully do this with Editor.
    You do have to use a USB with this function. The show with the scenes you are importing from has to be on the USB for the import/export tool to function.

    I’m not aware of a specific “scene safe” setting for strip assignments outside of “name and color”.

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