Selection on screen follows fader touch

Forums Forums Avantis Forums Avantis feature suggestions Selection on screen follows fader touch

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of AdamsFlys AdamsFlys 6 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #115610
    Profile photo of Donz

    This is a seemingly small one, but in the midst of a show it would be clutch to not have to touch the screen for a channels processing to come up. On the other hand I could see see how some engineers might not like this, so maybe it could be time based? Or a double touch of the fader?

    Profile photo of AdamsFlys

    In the “setup -> control -> surface prefs” menu, there is an option for highlight on fader touch. This will automatically select a channel upon a fader move, and will open up the corresponding processing menu. For example, if you had the peq page pulled up on channel one, if you move fader 3 it will now pull up the peq page for channel 3.

    Note that this will only work if you have either the processing or routing tabs selected on the left side of the screen. If neither of these are selected, it won’t automatically bring up the channel specific pages that you may be looking for.

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