On my SQ-5 the Main Screen-Rotary doesn’t work when I turn them fast – it’s more likely that the value jumps up&down just a minimum amount when i turn It fast… if I go slow – it works fine… do you think It’s a hardware issue?
Unfortunally yes…
I had the same issue and issue was solved by part remplacement.
Probably cleanning (lot of grease used in the rotary have leaked on the differents cards in my case…) the rotary should work but you need to open the mixer and you have the risk to loose waranty.
Contact your dealer is the best way…
i have the same problem. I haven’t used the desk for about a month. Everything was fine until i updated the desk to the new firmware today. Now my screen rotary and the eq gain rotary have exactly the issue stated here! I have to dial in the value real slow to have an accurate behavior!
Same problem here
My main screen rotatry bug more and more !
Is it physical problem ?
In this case and if we starting to be so many having this problem, can we hope from A&H a repair policy ?
Is it driver problem ?
And maybe with a new update, the problem could be fixed ?
the SQ is a great console but it would be a shame if its notoriety declined because of physical problems…