Qu-You Audio listening on device

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  • #43471
    Profile photo of JustynJustyn

    I appreciate there are manual additional systems I could purchase for monitors such as the ME1. However would it ever be possible for the Musician to listen to their monitor mix through the iOS device they have? I’d be interested in buying a more premium app to do that.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Short answer… no

    WiFi not really built for it – no guarantee of latency makes live audio all but impossible.

    Profile photo of JustynJustyn

    I kind of assumed that might be the case. I work for a charity and though having stretch for the Qu-16 and loving it, and trying to see honest to cost effectively to inears. It might be a wired option. A number of me1s are out of the option for a few years. It’s goig to be the stage box next year!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I use wired in ears (cheap headphone amps available in small yamaha desks).

    By leaving the mixer on stage and mixing from an iPad (ok, already owned, so low capital cost) I avoid the need for a stage box even…

    Profile photo of JustynJustyn

    Thankfully we do have a headphone amp so it looks like I’m back to my original plan of wired in ears. It was worth asking though.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    We trialled a variety of low end (£40-£100) headphones, and ended up split between EP4 (thomman) amd shure se115(I think).

    Actually, even cheap headphones (99p store) worked ok, better than I expected. With the Qu-You app you don’t *need* fischer bodypacks in the same way, still recommended tho’

    Profile photo of JustynJustyn

    That’s helpful thanks.

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