I noticed storing a scene or even a show doesn’t include the Custom Layers I’ve set up on Ipad #1. When I recall that scene or show on Ipad #2 the custom layers are empty. Recalling on Ipad #1 fills the layers as expected. It would be nice if layers are filled out also when working on Ipad @2.
But what if you’re using ipad#1 for foh, and someone else is using ipad#2 for monitors, and you both have different ideas about what you want on the custom layers?
On the other hand: as it is now I’m 100& sure I have to take additional action and how big are the chances a second guy is also logged in as admin. If need be he can always change his custom layers.
Maybe it’s even possible to make it optional: “do you also want to store custom layers ? yes/no”
Just one point from a technical view: The scene memory focuses on the desc only, there probably is no additional memory space available to keep additional custom layers from an “arbitrary” amount of control surfaces.
Maybe adding some sort of copy&paste functionality could be implemented to transfer custom settings between iPads:
On the source iPad there’s a button “Copy Custon Layer to QuScratchpad” and then you can “Load Custom Layer from QuScratchpad” on your other iPad(s).