I’ve read something similar somewhere, but I’d like to emphasize it again:
I really appreciate the “Processing Screens Follow Surface” option, but it doesn’t actually make sense for every function.
Actually there are only 3: Gate, Comp and PEQ.
Only with these 3 there is always something to do where the graphic view is very valuable: With the gate and comp it is mainly the histograms and with the EQ of course the curves along with the RTA.
With the other two functions, preamp and HPF, switching to the screens is rather annoying because the level of the gain is always visible anyway and with the HPF the display is part of the PEQ view.
From my point of view, it would therefore make more sense not to change the window at all when changing the gain and to call up the PEQ screen with HPF changes.
And very important: The PEQ screen should also become visible when you press the 4 frequency band buttons – not just when you turn a knob.
Please please!