Correct – the input channel patch library was added in V1.3 to allow quick changes between live and playback for virtual soundcheck and for different expander setups.
I don’t believe it’s possible to store output or tie line patching in a single library file in the same way, simply due to the amount of data vs the file size used for libraries.
a) All patching can be stored in a scene, and recall filters can be used to avoid changing processing or anything else you want to remain the same (you can also store scenes individually – as you mention wanting backups – and this would be no different to backing up a library item)
b) Outputs are commonly set for a show/setup and then left alone (unlike inputs)
c) Unlike inputs, outputs can be patched one-to-many, e.g. if you had one setup with an expander and one without, you could leave all outputs patched to both local and SLink simultaneously