Let me preface by saying our sound guy left the church and I’m picking up the slack and have only taken a 1-day course on sound mixing….
After messing around with the GLD-80, I have the basic understanding how to assign input channels to DCA groups.
However, I can’t figure out how to provide any effects to the input channels, even when I assign them to the effects channels (fader). I assume to add an effect to an individual input channel, I have to assign the input channels to an effects fader? But when I do this, no effects are heard.
How does the GLD work in regards to sending effects/DCA/Mix faders to the main output fader? I don’t see where that connection is made. In my mind, I assumed everything works by setting individual input channels to either a Matrix Mix, Group or DCA and then assigning the Matrix Mix, Group, or DCA fader to wherever (Main Out, etc…). Is this how it works?
Lastly, so I used the default template but I want to shuffle or remove some of the default, DCA groups, matrix mixes etc…basically the right side of the mixer. Where do I go for that?
Thanks for any info you can provide.