I have an A&H GLD112, AR2412, AR168, AR84 and an MEU with 6 ME-1 units. This is setup in a recording studio environment. The GLD is situated in a control room. The AR2412 AND AR168 are located in the performance live room while the AR84 and MEU will be mounted in a rack in the control room. The studio has been outfit with cat6 around the room. The concept is that the MEU would be in the control room so that the various wall plates could be patched as needed. Is there any way to connect both the AR84 and the MEU in the control room to the GLD without patching the MEU back to the AR2412 and without sacrificing the expander port on the GLD that is slated for the AR84? I see lots of posts about using dSnake with a gigabit switch. Is this possible? Would it be possible to hook the AR2412 (thus the AR168) and the MEU over a gigabit switch?