Main and Aux Out EQs

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Crispie Crispie 1 day, 8 hours ago.

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    Profile photo of Alex aus Rehau
    Alex aus Rehau

    We’ve played now 2 gigs with out CQ 20B – and yes we really liked/love it!

    But it would be just awesome to get more bands on (Main) PEQ or even better to get the possibility to use PEQ und GEQ und FBA at same time. At the momment you just have 4 Bands of PEQ on Outs + the FBA – if you change to GEQ for some fine tunings in “CONFIG Outs” the setting from PEQ and FBA got on reset, what is pretty anoying.

    I mean A&H is standing for amazing products for sound engeniers, so i think to have always the possibiliy to get some fine tunings with an GEQ on Outs is not a magical thing, that should be possible and could increase the amazing general sound of the CQ to an even better level!

    best regards from Germany
    Alex 🙂

    So far preaty good Job A&H Team, improve the app and add some highly requested features to make this unit to an absolut killer mixing console for small venues and bands.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&H
    KeithJ A&H

    @alex aus Rehau

    It is no coincidence that there are either 20 GEQ bands or 4 PEQ bands + 16 FBA filters.
    When switching between the two options, you are making use of the same processing power in the core for different applications.

    So I’m afraid implementing both at the same time is not possible.


    Profile photo of ATW

    So I’m afraid, that we haven’t processing power for 30 bands GEQs in the future…

    Profile photo of maipe

    Still current. Tested the CQ20b in combination with a touch at a congress, because I really like the concept. The first day is over. It was so-so. It held up well without any problems. From an EQ technical standpoint, it was a challenge. For example, the high-pass and low-pass filters on the main were displayed as ghosting on the individual channel, which is great, but the low-pass isn’t displayed. Also, the FBA with RTA often lights up completely orange and red, and I don’t know why. The PEQs seem to be more like movable GEQs because they are so broadband. The strategy isn’t entirely clear yet. Auto-gain analysis screws into the absolute feedback area without any protection, which needs to be improved. There is also noticeable latency with the speakers, which also needs to be improved.Is it because of 96khz? The feedback detection almost kicked out the entire signal for one speaker with 16 bands and partially 18dB cuts, which isn’t great. To ensure a decent signal remains, the intensity of the FBA should correspond to the end signal; in the end, I had to manually remove most of the 16 FBA cuts during live operation to save the signal.

    Currently, I can imagine bringing the low-pass and high-pass globally plus the 4 “PEQs” to the individual speakers with the 16 FBA in the chain, hoping that this will produce a decent result. Tomorrow is a new day. Thanks a lot for suggestions, they´re welcome of course.

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    Profile photo of Smilzo

    Auto-gain analysis screws into the absolute feedback area without any protection, which needs to be improved. There is also noticeable latency with the speakers, which also needs to be improved.Is it because of 96khz? The feedback detection almost kicked out the entire signal for one speaker with 16 bands and partially 18dB cuts, which isn’t great. To ensure a decent signal remains, the intensity of the FBA should correspond to the end signal; in the end, I had to manually remove most of the 16 FBA cuts during live operation to save the signal.

    Hi maipe, the autogain for any material I tried so far (vocal mic, mic guitar, DI Bass, mic guitar) work very well and stable. I set the gain with channel fader to zero, than rise the ch level as needed.

    The Antifeedback worked very well in the few band show I had, the level was not so loud (just enough to cover up a wood drum set, mic it and send to PA). I suspect your problem lies not in the CQ, but the rooms (very reflective) and/or the improper mic handling (speaker that alternate mic under-desk mouth out of axe, than suddenly speak in contact with the grill, and so on…!!!). If you have many mics and loudspeakers, try auto amm or mute all unused mic channels, lower the global level, cut lows.

    Hope it helps!

    Profile photo of Crispie

    I would say 1/3 octave Graphic eq is pretty standed for mixing desk outputs. Even the QSC TouchMix 16 has this. If the CQ can’t support 1/3 octave graphic eq on all outputs then it’s, unfortunately, a fail from me.

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