Issues Connecting SQ5 to Laptop via Dante or USB

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  • #116165
    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    I am having difficulties connecting a laptop. I have tried with Mac & PC. I want to use Reaper to multitrack record and as a virtual soundcheck. I have tried with connecting with Dante and USB. Dante sees the SQ and allows me to map it and the USB connection sees the SQ5 as well. Reaper, Audition, & Open Sound Meter see the SQ ASIO drivers, but do not connect to the channels. It feel like I am missing something very basic.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Did you patch anything to the ports?

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    You may already know this but you need to make patches in two places to make the connection from the DSQ to a computer running DVS. You need to make output patches to Dante in the SQ on the I/O Port tab (I/O select button under the screen) and in Dante controller on your computer.

    BTW, in my experience, SQ to Reaper works a treat.


    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    Yes, made made input and output connections in I/O section both on the SQ and on the Dante controller.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    VSC and SQ running at the same SR?

    The two devices just daisy-chained or through an ethernet switch?

    Can’t think of what else this could be.


    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    Perhaps the SQ is assigned to SQDrive instead of the USB outs.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    “Perhaps the SQ is assigned to SQDrive instead of the USB outs.”

    Hmm, I don’t believe that would have any effect on the OP’s problem. Dante doesn’t use any USB function out of the SQ.


    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    You’ve patched the I/O in Reaper correctly too? You’ll need to assign each individual track to the correct Dante input channel. You’ll probably want to change the output routing as well since Reaper defaults track outputs to a stereo pair which is not what we want for VSC.

    You’ll also need to arm record all the tracks in order to get sound into the system and then you want to make sure you disarm record when trying to play back in VSC (skipping this step will result in horrific feedback).

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    Yes, inputs in Reaper all need to be specified for each track (I think they all default to Input 1 when you add them to the session) and the I/O device needs to be set to Dante VSC in Reaper preferences. Then you need to assign each output from the SQ to each input in Reaper on the Dante Controller.

    Again, sorry if you know all (some) of this already.


    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    Solved. Sample rates were mismatched.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    Ding, ding!


    Profile photo of KenMKenM

    Thanks everyone for your help!

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