Hi there,
I have a dance show gig coming up.. Lots of ballet and contemporary dancers doing rehearsed dances to recorded tracks.
For sound I normally would use my RME fireface as a DAC from my macbook and take analog outs from it into my QU16.
I do love the sound of the RME gear but it’s dropping out on OS X 🙁 I just can’t trust it for a dance gig.
But I don’t love the sound quality from the headphone jack from my macbook..
One possibility is to use the USB link to the mixer? I assume that, once connected, the mixer would present as an output device option in the OS X sound controller panel and I can select it and play from iTunes to it?
Is it reliable – USB from OS X (Catalina 10.15.6)?
Music stopping mid-dance while I fiddle around re-starting stuff is a nightmare scenario for kids and me..
Thank you