IP-8 Controller setup functions

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  • #63092
    Profile photo of avenueservicesavenueservices

    I’d love to see the ability with the IP-8 controllers when mapping functions to buttons on each of the strips to offer a MIX function so that if I press the mix button on an AUX assigned strip then I can then adjust the levels for that AUX mix. Seems odd that we have the PAFL, SEL & MUTE options but no MIX option?
    Thank you

    Profile photo of pete.jpete.j


    don’t know if it works but maybe this is a workaround:

    If you setup the dLive (Surface>Audio>PAFL) to “Mix Follows Mix PAFL”, then I guess you can activate MIX indirectly? I may be wrong, didn’t check it, just an idea.


    Profile photo of avenueservicesavenueservices

    thats a good shout… Will try that and see…

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