Hello, I am brand new to this forum as well as Allen & Heath hardware. My church owns an SQ 7 and I am looking to hone my skills with some virtual sound check. Is there a way to route groups into tie lines to record to the SQ drive? I am looking to record an
Entire service in order to playback, but I have just a few more than 32 inputs used during the service If I count our drum mics. I was thinking of recording all the inputs except the drum mics and just recording a drum group that the mics are routed to. This would suffice for my playback needs. Does this sound possible? Hope this makes sense.
– Will
Yes it’s a good idea to record the group! No problem with the SQ.
To do so, you don’t need tie lines, you route the Output of the group to USB.
Tie Lines are only for incoming signals, to use the without processing. But you want to record the entire Drum group, mixed an processed, so you go to “Output” in the IO Screen and there you have all your mixes an group to route everywhere you want!
Keep in mind that unless you have a silent stage, no amps, no monitors, isolated drum kit
the virtual sound check will not sound the same as a live band.