GLD80 + Dante Issue

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD troubleshooting GLD80 + Dante Issue

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  • #66366
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    YES but it is still the same

    Thank you so much for your help

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Thank you I found the solution
    It works great!

    Profile photo of xpilotczxpilotcz

    What solution did you find. Please report for others who amy have same issu in the future.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    You simply 🤗 have to click on the stop button bellow your DVS setting window to un-freeze the settings. Change your settings and than switch on the start button (the same)
    Easy but two days to find this issue… sorry 😂
    Best regards to everyone

    Profile photo of Tofke78Tofke78

    I’m encountering the same problem with Reaper. All clock, buffer and latency settings are correct as far as I think. But when I record tracks, now and than there are clicks like you hear on a vinyl record (sounds a bit like short static interferance). The clicks are very random. Someone knows any solution?

    Thanks in advance

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