I know how ganging works but since I use it I have noticed that :
When I select 2 members in 1 gang like overheads, in the ganging setup I check all the boxes except Trim, Fader, Mute, Pan and Direct Out.
On my layers LR and Groups faders are not linked and it’s how it should work but on Aux layers (mono or stereo) the faders are linked.
If I uncheck the “Routing” option faders become not linked in all layers.
‘Fader’ in this context is used in the same way as it is throughout the processing, (e.g. pre-fade, post-fade) to refer to the Main LR send level, rather than the physical fader.
‘Routing’ includes all other send levels.
This is all shown in section 12.15 on pg89 of the current v1.5 reference guide.