Faster way to talkback to 1 specific output.

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Netracer24 Netracer24 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Profile photo of Vik Smedts
    Vik Smedts

    I would like te be able to choose to what output I “talkback” to faster.

    I know there is an option to assing a softkey when pressed you can talkback to a chosen outputbuss. But if you got 8 musicians + roadie + shout to foh + …. your softkeys will quickley run out.

    Maybe it’s possible to create the option with a button in the talkback section when enabled, the Mix button also assigns the talkback routing to that outputbuss.

    Profile photo of tpaulding

    Maybe they could add a “double tap on one output” to talk to just it, while leaving all the others selected as is.

    By default I leave mine with all IEM mixes selected and often have to quickly deselect all but one for a quick message and then respect them all again.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Profile photo of Netracer24

    Here is my solution. Maybe it could help you. I brought talkback mic into a channel. I labeled one Tb to all. That channel is up I. All mixes. I labeled the other Tb. I only push that one up in a single mix if I want to talk to one person. I unmute the Tb to all to talk to everyone. Seems to work out ok for me. Alternatively you could assign the mute for Tb to all to a soft key and then you would t have to take up the space on the surface.

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