db2 xone

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  • #96408
    Profile photo of wademwadem

    Hi all,

    could use some help, As per the below, when using the upfaders only, should i use “mix” and only assign effects x or y when wanting to use the filters etc.? Why then when assigning a channel to x r y is it softer or quieter than mix??

    please could you assist

    Selects where the channel output will be routed:
    MIX (Centre) – Routes the signal directly to the mix
    X – Routes the signal to the input of FX-X or to X xfader
    Y – Routes the signal to the input of FX-Y or to Y xfader

    kind regards

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    @wadem ,

    I do not believe there are a huge number of XONE users on the digital community (though hopefully I’m proven wrong!) so if you don’t hear back from anyone here, please contact us using https://support.allen-heath.com and you’ll be able to chat with one of the XONE team about this.


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