Bug regarding Recall Filter

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  • #108489
    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    I am trying to use scenes with recall filter for setting up virtual soundcheck. Here are my Scenes:

    Screenshot Scenes

    The Scenes “Inputs Locals”, “Inputs USB” and “Input SLink” are only there to change the input patch, so I set the following recall filter on each of those three scenes:

    Recall Filters

    But recalling those scenes does exaclty nothing. The input patches are not changed. Only, when I also allow “Inputs->Preamp” in the recall filter settings, the patches are loaded correctly. But of course — then also the “real” preamp-settings are reloaded and changes to gain and phantom are lost.

    Bug or feature?

    Best Regards,

    Profile photo of allialli

    Hey Tobi,

    in this case I just use an “Input Patch Library” on the IO page, not a scene. This should work fine.
    For a Output USB patch f.e. I use a scene with the recall filter just open to “USB Patch”.

    Regards, Alex

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    There is some overlap with the filters here as ‘Preamp’ also includes patching (but patch does not include preamp).
    This is because the preamp settings can be stored with a channel, but they control an analogue preamp which exists at each socket which can also be controlled from the I/O screen independently of the channel.
    Preamps not connected to input channels can be used with tie lines for recording or sending on to other systems.
    If preamp changes on the input channel are blocked but the patch is allowed to change, then the question is which preamp setting should be used?
    You could for example, instantly apply phantom power to a socket, or lose the gain settings of the preamp which may have been set for the next band on in a festival situation, or mess up the signal level going to another console…

    There is some discussion about whether this is all acceptable however, so although the input channel patch library is designed for what you want to achieve here, if there are other examples where you need this to be separate, please do say!


    Profile photo of TobiTobi

    Hi Keith,
    Youre right. I had a conversion with Support and they hinted me about the Input library…

    Problem solved – thank you!

    Best Regards,

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