So I just noticed after doing 2h of show preparation that the avantis director software doesn’t overwrite scenes while being connected to a mixer. This just completely ruined my schedule for the day..
Steps to reproduce:
0) Setup a user with a password and reboot/logout (so the login screen is visible)
1) Connecto to mixer
2) Recall scene
3) Edit some paramters
4) Overwrite scene
5) Recall scene -> The mixer now is in the initial state at step 2. Aka the scene has not been overwritten.
This also happens when trying to save a new scene, but this time it’s directly noticable since the green arrow doesn’t appear.
I’m using the latest avantis and director version.
Here is a screen recording of the issue:
Mixing Station is facing the same issue when saving a scene, so I would assume it’s an issue on the mixer side since network wise both apps send the same packets, especially since it only happens if the mixer is still locked.