Automatic Default Mix for Surface Roles

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions Automatic Default Mix for Surface Roles

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  • #116419

    In situations where using two surfaces with one mixrack it would be helpful for say FOH Surface to default to Main LR mix (as it does now) and have Broadcast Surface default to mix to whatever Stereo Aux/Matrix/Bus it is responsible for.

    Profile photo of msteelmsteel

    If I understand you correctly, then you’d like to designate a mix that acts like the “Main” mix for the surface? So that deselecting other mixes would select the surface’s preferred mix?

    I don’t think that would work well unless you could actually create multiple “Main” mixes in the Mix Engine setup and assign one to the surface (like you can with PAFL busses). The channels still need a main fader, and if your broadcast mix is say, a stereo aux, then selecting that aux would give you the sends for that aux – you would lose access to the channel fader, which would not work well if a channel needs to feed subgroups or FX sends.


    Yes exactly. As it stands now, if you try to create an FOH and broadcast mix, splitting resources equally, it seems impossible to mix the inputs of a group that is routed to the broadcast mix while having the “mix” button selected on the broadcast mix. You would have to switch to mix Main LR to change the levels feeding the group. then back to broadcast mix to change the levels of the groups going into the broadcast mix.

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