AHM Rooms gadget CC 1.4.0

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  • #113770
    Profile photo of RomboutRombout

    I noticed in Custom Control 1.4.0 there is this new gadget Rooms. I see a huge list with rooms and colors. But nothing else i need to input, how does this gadget work?

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    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    The Rooms widget will present a room-combining visual interface for the AHM Room Combiner, which is configured in AHM System Manager (Assign screen). An example of its application with Custom Control is shown in this V1.4 video with Samantha Potter: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7074762475916652545

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout

    Thanks for the fast reply!

    Wondering after seeing the video. We simply see a square or rectangle, but how does the part we draw know what room it is? In the video i see sort of a map. My guess each room is a separate rectangle from the room widget.] Is that done in the combiner size part?

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    Profile photo of RomboutRombout

    I think i found my answer in a different video. I see in the ahm manager you can set everything up. I guess the box in custom control is just a visual representation of this layout.
    see attachment 1

    Still wondering if this could also be done with Zones. I asked earlier what in theory the difference is between a Zone and a Room.

    Saw it in this video https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/allen-&-heath-installation/posts/?feedView=all

    Seeing this shot it seems it can take both rooms and zones
    see attachment 2

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    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    Hi Rombout,

    You are correct that Custom Control simply displays the Room Combiner layout as configured in AHM System Manager.

    In AHM, ‘Zones’ are actual processing output channels and can be patched to outputs.
    ‘Rooms’ are a more abstract concept, they are a visual representation of the floor plan of the building / multifunction hall or space that requires the audio to be combined or divided.
    Each Room is assigned to a Zone. When Rooms are combined, the output of the Zone assigned to the Primary Room (lowest-numbered Room) becomes the only source fed to the Zone/s of any combined room.
    See the Room Combiner section in the AHM System Manager Help for more information.

    Profile photo of RomboutRombout

    Nice! thanks. Perhaps some help docs could be nice about new features

    Profile photo of AdamsFlysAdamsFlys

    How does this take into account rooms that may have multiple zones? For example, I may have my main room where I want aux fed subs, but that means I’ll end up with at least two separate zones for one room. Is there anything in the works to account for this?

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