IDR8 using Monitor in and outs

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    Profile photo of peta2012peta2012

    I am hoping that someone can help in regards to the IDR8…

    I want to use the IDR8 in unexpanded mode as a 10 x10 mixer using the MON L & R IN and Outs using the source select to allocate the MON L & R into channels nine and ten. When the IDR is turned off and on, it goes back to it’s original setting of Digital 1 and Digital 2.

    Why won’t the IDR remember the source selection?

    Apologies if I have posted in the wrong spot. TIA

    Profile photo of antonyjaantonyja

    Hi Peta,
    There is no iDR 8 /4 forum, so there is no better forum to post this on.
    What version of software are you running? Current settings are only stored from V3.60 onwards. If you are running V3.60 or later, then check you are not recalling a preset on power-up that is overwriting the Input Patch Bay settings.

    Antony Jackson
    Software Manager
    Allen & Heath Limited

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