iOS 6

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  • #31612
    Profile photo of Mario-SiglMario-Sigl

    Just to keep you up to Date:
    I forwarded a summary of this thread to the Apple-Support.
    They are still searching for a solution.
    They are also checking, if there are any differences, between iOS6 releases in different countries.
    @ ddff: is your HTTP-Proxy in the iPhone W-Lan settings set to Off, Auto or Manual?
    The Apple-Support asked, if anyone has tried to change the static IP-Adresses?
    I didn’t try, perhaps someone did?

    So far,

    Profile photo of ST-Specialty-SoundsST-Specialty-Sounds

    Hallo, I am using an ipad 2 with ios6, it does not connect and the workaround did not work. I tried DHCP, Http Manual , Auto, changed settings on AH idr to dhcp and and and, nothing works, just as a info. I was lucky not to update my laptop, I did the show this weekend on my laptop, but that meant I could not record the show. The mix pad app is bought and version 1.83 the latest.

    Profile photo of ddff_lvddff_lv

    On my iPad I did not change to connectio- IP is set to DHCP and Http Proxy to OFF.


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Hi Mario,

    Yes – we tried all different combinations. Changing static IPs, DHCP on and off in various combinations, different subnet … Nothing worked.


    Originally posted by Mario Sigl

    Just to keep you up to Date:
    I forwarded a summary of this thread to the Apple-Support.
    They are still searching for a solution.
    They are also checking, if there are any differences, between iOS6 releases in different countries.
    @ ddff: is your HTTP-Proxy in the iPhone W-Lan settings set to Off, Auto or Manual?
    The Apple-Support asked, if anyone has tried to change the static IP-Adresses?
    I didn’t try, perhaps someone did?

    So far,

    Profile photo of ST-Specialty-SoundsST-Specialty-Sounds

    Hallo finally !!!! Yessss !!!!

    Ok I did everything right with the workaround. At first I did not put in the DNS, then I put it in and then the ipad showed me it connected to my router (the little ((( markings on the top) great, but I could not connect to the ilive because I got disconnectet every 15 seconds…. I tried and tried the whole day. In the end I did the work around again step bey step… nothing…. got disconnected again…. Next day….. there it was, I guess I just had to reboot the i live and my router…. it worked, I guess changing all the settings gets the ilive, router or whatever confiused.

    So here my settings

    WiFi Static

    Ip Address (you can choose free)
    Subnet Mask
    Router (like recomended)
    DNS (like recomended- this I didn’t need before)

    HTTP Proxy Manual

    Server a (like recomended)
    Port 1 (like recomended)
    Authentication Off (this is not the password for the router)

    Did a reboot as follows….. 1st i Live IDR….. 2nd Router……..3rd i Pad (G2)

    And there it was. So far it is stable I had it run for a couple days several hours a day. Everything like before iOS 6.

    Hope that helps… even though Allen Heath explained everything in the workaround, but I guess sometimes 100 times reading it does not work, it 101 times to get it….

    Profile photo of Mario-SiglMario-Sigl

    Hi All,

    another working setup, with IP-Adresses set up like recommended by Allen&Heath:

    D-Link DIR-815 H/W Ver.: A1, F/W.: 1.03
    – IP-Adress:
    – Subnetmask:
    – DHCP-Server enabled
    – DHCP IP-Adress Range: 100 to 199
    – DHCP Lease Time: 10080
    – Multicast Stream enabled
    – Wireless Enhanced Mode

    Allen&Heath iLive MixRack iDR-48:
    – IP-Adress:
    – Subnetmask:

    Allen&Heath iLive Surface T-112:
    – IP-Adress:
    – Subnetmask:

    Allen&Heath iLive Touchscreen:
    – IP-Adress:
    – Subnetmask:

    Apple MacBook Pro 3,1 OSX 10.5.8:
    – IP-Adress:
    – Subnetmask:

    Apple MacBook Pro 10,1 OSX 10.8.2:
    – IP-Adress:
    – Subnetmask:

    Apple iPhone 4S iOS 6:
    – IP-Adresse:
    – Subnetmaske:
    – HTTP-Proxy: Manual
    – Server: a
    – Port: 1
    – Auth: Off

    Tested last week and running without Problems.
    Router and iLive-Components have static IP-Adresses, iOS-Devices and Laptops get their adresses from the Router’s DHCP-Server.

    This is the Setup I’m discussing with the Apple-Support.
    So I recommend to try this setup, if another setup isn’t working.
    If there are still problems, I’ll forward them to the Apple-Support.

    …and please correct me, if this isn’t the Allen&Heath-recommended setup.



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