White Touch Screen

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    Profile photo of jr.riechersjr.riechers

    I just got the sbc upgrade for the ilive 112. Everything appered to go well but now the only way for the touchscreen to work is to have an external monitor connected to the vga port. When I check the log I see a lot of “Mix Rack backpane power is off” errors, like every few seconds or so. Any ideas? Thanks.

    Profile photo of RexeltwRexeltw

    I had this on a SBC upgrade last year. Ended up changing the fader control brain which solved it in that case. I’d raise a ticket with A&H if I were you.


    Just remember kids no matter how good your mixing is you can’t polish a turd…

    Profile photo of Mr-BMr-B

    Rexeltw is quite right raise a ticket with A&H I think it is a PSU issue on the internal 5V rail of the surface. If the 112 is an early one I think the newer SBC draws a bit more current so you end up needing a slightly higher rated 5V.

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