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Scene scheme

2012/07/26 in Tips and Tricks

One of the things I love most about the iLive systems is the ability to program Strip Assignments. It’s possible to bring the most needed channels for each song onto the top of the surface on a scene by scene basis, even if you don’t wish to use any other automation functions at all. This is of great assistance, especially when using a smaller format surface. On an iLive-80/T80 or R72, I tend to include only the Left Bank 1 Strip Assignment in each scene to bring a mixture of Input Channels, DCAs, IP FX returns onto the Bank 1 Layer A, ready to use for each song whilst the right hand Bank 2 Strip Assignment is not included in the scene contents and remains static, containing my DCAs, Mixes, Playback etc on the various Layers.

However, if you have a high channel count that might mean it’s not always possible to have all channels accessible at all times. I therefore have 2 special scenes assigned to quick recall buttons on the surface. These scenes only contain the full strip assignments for both Bank 1 Strip and Bank 2 Strip and nothing else at all. The first scene has all inputs arranged on the surface in a 1 to 1 arrangement so not only are all inputs available but they are in the exact order of the input patch, which is perfect for giving a channel and patch overview and also ideal when line checking. The other scene arranges all Mixes, Playback, FX sends etc on the surface to give a full overview of them and is excellent when setting up a PA system at the start of each day. – David Millward

Track your main channel for backup

2012/07/26 in Tips and Tricks

Something I do as a matter of course these days is to utilize the flexible Ganging options to link Main and Spare Vocal channels. By Ganging All parameters except for Fader and Mute, it’s possible to keep the Spare Vocal as an automatically updated mirror of the Main Vocal, ready to switch to instantly if the Main Vocal Fails for whatever reason. – David Millward

Touring Support In Germany

2012/07/24 in On Tour, Tips and Tricks

Touring in Germany (Europe)  and need to pick up iLive rental systems? then check out: The iLive Userdatenbank is a comprehensive list of iLive kit and where it’s located – well done guys – top resource!

No Surface – No Problem

2012/07/23 in Tips and Tricks

In a situation where you may want to pack the surface away as soon as possible but the PA still needs to run, connect a PL10 or PL6 to the MixRack and assign some basic functions to the controls such as master PA level (can be DCA), DJ / Announcement / media feed levels & mutes etc.


This is also a solution for venues where often the surface & house tech are not required to attend to get basic setups & sound control. Maybe assign some soft keys to some scenes for starting levels, shutdown etc.

Classic iLive

2012/07/23 in Tips and Tricks

I do tend to use the sub synth when doing film score music, they tend to overdub keyboards on it in the studio, live it can lack a little weight. So a bit of subtle use on the Celli and Bases adds a bit of oomph back. Then if you make a group from the high strings and send that to a short reverb before adding it to the whole mix and using the final large reverb. This can help to make a big lush string sound if it don’t come naturally”. – Ian Barfoot

Multipoint audio monitoring in iLive

2012/07/20 in Tips and Tricks

I am sure most of you know this but I still meet people who dont; you can hear the audio signal at any point in a channel in iLive  by pressing and holding down the green SEL key (including the on-screen versions) in the processing sections. The audio at that point in the path will then replace the current selection in the PAFL monitor busses. This can be handy for ‘tuning out’ unwanted triggering of drum kit mic gates [press+hold SEL in the gate sidechain window and then adjust the lo and hi filter points to pin-point what the detector is listening to].