dLive Channel Names and Colors

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  • #97143
    Profile photo of RSmithRSmith

    I apologize in advance. I am not much of a MIDI guy as it is hard to wrap my head around sometimes, but I am trying to learn. I do a lot of Live Sound but also mix after the fact back in the studio.

    I am trying to use the C1500 as a control surface for Pro Tools. I have the A&H MIDI Control Software and am able to connect to the dLive just fine. After I set things up with Pro Tools and the C1500 talking, the faders come alive, I can run automation, mute solo and select work, but there is no information received from Pro Tools. Is there a way to receive that information from Pro Tools. I was reading in the TCP Protocol paperwork about SysEx messages that can be sent to the dLive with Track name and color.

    Any ideas?


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I was reading in the TCP Protocol paperwork about SysEx messages that can be sent to the dLive with Track name and color.

    these information are not available from PT with the used protocols

    PT uses EuCon since some years now, this is a protocol developed from Euphonix and Steinberg to integrate a mixing desk into a DAW environment
    but since the take over from Avid it is not usable anymore to the average user

    but this is the main protocol used for mixer and PT integration… all other protocols are limited in some aspects and not supported very well inside PT

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