ME1 static

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Mike C Mike C 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #93335
    Profile photo of Lighthouse Church
    Lighthouse Church

    Our worship group is using the ME1 IEMs. Each musician is saying they are getting a crunchy static sound when they release a note on their own instrument and they hear this noise in their monitor. Apparently it is only their own instrument they hear doing this is their IEM….the others they hear are fine. I listened to the bass guitar monitor and heard the sound on the release of the notes as described. However, when the earphones are plugged directly into their box the issue goes away. Is this a gain/trim issue from the board or is it an issue between their personal box and wireless pack? Any help would be appreciated!

    Profile photo of Mike C
    Mike C

    I know it been a few weeks since you posted this, are you still having the issue?

    When you say you plug the earphones directly into their box I assume you mean plugging
    directly into the ME1 output.
    With the direct connection earphones sounding good that all but points to an issue between the ME1 and the wireless IEM.

    What model IEM are you using and is the ME1 the only thing connected to the wireless

    How are you connecting the ME1 to the IEM transmitter, the ME1 mono out or the headphone jack, and what kind of cable configuration are you using?

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