PAFL follows mix selection

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  • #37211
    Profile photo of HansvdLHansvdL

    While examining my Qu-16, I noticed that if you select PAFL on the master strip, and then switch between mixes using the mix select keys, the PAFL stays with the mix that was on the master strip when you pressed PAFL. It doesn’t switch to the mix you select. You have to press PAFL on the master strip (or on the corresponding mix master in the upper fader layer) each time you select a different mix, if you want to solo that mix.
    This is usable but somewhat inconvenient.
    I would like to have the option of letting PAFL follow the mix selection, similar to how the Soundcraft small digital consoles behave if you select a mix bus. This way of mixing to buses was one of the reasons for me to choose the Qu-16.

    Regards, Hans

    Profile photo of JimmydrummerJimmydrummer

    That’s interesting, I noticed exactly the same – but I like it as it means I can pfl my own monitor mix whilst mixing FOH or adjusting another band members mix. I guess having the option to choose would be the best thing all round.

    Profile photo of DocDocDocDocDocDocDocDoc

    PAFL following the Mix selection: This would also help when using the RTA together with GEQ mode, as I just pointed out here:

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I found by setting a softkey to ‘PAFL Clear’ helped a lot
    So when you are in different layers or running down the master strip you can see a PFL is still latched on.
    It would be better if the PAFL followed.

    This may be a help to some people.
    There is definately a difference PAFL-ing in the QU series from the old analogue days.

    I found leaving the setup TAB set to the PAFL TAB so I can get back into there fast to switch off & on the INPUT AFL switch
    I found this very confusing until I got my head around the fact it is an “INPUT” AFL
    In analogue days and AFL was always an “AFTER” fade AFL
    Still I’m not complaining
    The rest of the desk is so damn good and the User definable layer is just amazing! any how I digress…

    Profile photo of HansvdLHansvdL

    Thank you, Allen & Heath, for adding my requested feature (at the start of this thread) to the v1.6 firmware for Qu. I was pleasantly surprised to see it in the new feature list.
    It would have been perfect if the updated QuPad app had supported this PAFL-follows-master-strip-selection feature too, but it seems that it works only from the desk itself. Who knows, in a future QuPad update…?


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