Some pretty egocentric suggestions :-)

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu feature suggestions Some pretty egocentric suggestions :-)

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of ThomasL ThomasL 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #37090
    Profile photo of ThomasL

    Hello everyone,

    some people surely have come up with these suggestions, but I thought I write a round up for what I think is most important for the future work with the console. First of all, it’s a great little mixer and I still enjoy working with it. But as the numbers of “shows well done” grow, the number of the “Hey-that would make it even better”-ideas increases as well.

    1. Saving FX Presets
    This is a must, PLEASE make this happen as soon as possible. Even in a minor update which only implements this single feature.

    2. Naming Channels
    Even in the old days, where you believed, that the 01V96 was the final word in compact live audio mixers, you could name the channels. When you’re on the road with a band and then the next day with another and on day three there comes a third only to be replaced by the first band again on day four – you mix things up. Most people who earn their living (or part of it or spend the same) on a digital mixing board, are used to the fact, that when you press a select-button, you see which channel you are editing. You can do this with numbers, and yes, you can memorize this number with a channel name, which you’ve written under or above the channel (old school with tape). But that’s ONE step, that isn’t necessary. And it makes me slower on the desk. I hate desks to make me slower. That’s one of the reasons I prefer A&H consoles over some competitors.

    3. Switch Mix from Aux to Matrix
    I mentioned this before, a great working field for consoles like the QU16 are corporate events, where you have only four mics, two presentation laptops with audio ONE Aux for Monitoring, one PA in L/R configuration – but something like four delay lines.
    It would be a great thing, if you could switch the Mix Busses from an Aux (which is simply said fed by channels) to a Matrix (which is fed by the L/R sum). A great way to make the console much more versatile.

    4. More FX
    If it’s possible, give it the whole range of iLive and GLD-FX. They are great, so why not use them?

    5. Scene Description
    Would it be possible, to add a description tab or something like that, in which you can write down more infos on the scene you just saved? Just like in iLive 🙂

    That’s it so far, I may add to this list later on 🙂

    Regards, and thanks again for all your work,


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