Our church is considering a pretty extensive renovation and I am in the pre pre-planning phase (ie trying to think through things before we get an integrator involved). During this process, we would like to upgrade our Avantis to a DLive because we need more buss capacity. We would move the Avantis to a broadcast only role and move monitors onto the DLive (currently they run on a X32 Rack). Because we already own all the I/O we need, I think a DM0 fits our needs the best.
Although we would obviously plan to get a surface (probably a C3500), given the supply chain issues we can run the system without a surface if needed. In fact, I currently mix exclusive using the Director software due to the terrible FOH location (something that would be fixed in the renovation) From everything I have read, the built in GigaAce ports on the Mixrack are intended to connect the mixrack to a surface and won’t work in any other capacity. However I just wanted to triple check that we could not use the built in GigaAce ports on a DM0 to connect to a GX4816 stagebox if we are not running a surface and that we would be required to get a GigaAce card from day one to connect the GX4816.
Obviously we need the GigaAce card in the long term because we will need to connect to both a surface and the GX4816 to the DM0, but I am hoping that I can use the DM0 with the GX4816 without any additional cards in case the supply chain prevents the card from being available at the same time as the Mixrack.
Thanks for answering my question!