Hi SpicerBob,
I’m quite new to Broadcast, so I likely need a lot of educating from the pros on this topic, but I’m wondering if it is really necessary to time align the congregation to the main mix? I’ve been using the audience mikes as both congregation and ambiance mikes and panning them hard left and right and it gives a nice sense of space and also a feeling that the listener is right there in the room, with congregation singing around them.
I try to minimize the bleed from the PA by aiming the mikes away from the speakers and also hipassing to try to eliminate at least the lows from the PA.
(Since I’m using these as basically ambiance mikes, I like that they are not time aligned to the PA on the broadcast. It seems to me that this is similar to not time aligning the drum room mikes to the snare track?)
Anyway, just a thought – and feel free to educate me, since I am still quite new to all this.