Scenes management

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of matthiasHAU matthiasHAU 7 months, 1 week ago.

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    Profile photo of matthiasHAU

    The scene management could be fantastic if one of the most important feature could be integrated: inserting scenes at current position; moving scenes inside the scene manager; deleting scenes and moving the following scenes up, renumber scenes.

    That would be an enormous help for people like me during rehearsal in the theater. All other methods are time consuming and not really practical.

    many greetings


    Profile photo of msteel

    Coming from Avid Venue, I have also wished for capabilities like scene insertion. I tend to do one of the following:
    1) Leave empty spaces in the scene list for future needs. Scenes without contents will be skipped by previous/next/auto increment.
    2) Make scenes as I need to in the scenes list, but then insert them into a cue list. I appreciate the ability to have a single scene several different places in the cue list. For example, a “pulpit” or “M/C” scene can appear multiple times in the cue list, and an update at any of the places it is used affects the underlying scene and thus all the places it gets used.
    3) Both 1 and 2 – leave spaces for my sanity, but close up the spaces between them by using a cue list.

    From the poking around I have done, and my understanding of how the dLive architecture handles the scene memories, I can imagine something as seemingly simple as a scene insertion could have surprisingly complicated implementation issues under the hood.

    Profile photo of matthiasHAU

    I worked before on a VI 3000 which has a simple management, where you can do all necessary things with scenes.
    Also the yamaha rivage console, which has a very complex management, can insert scenes etc.
    On the dLive consoles a lot of things running via drag and drop, and I hope it will be implemented soon, because when you have to work fast on a rehearsal, there is no time to insert empty scenes etc. as you don’t know what’s happening later.
    A cue list for me is good when you have a band with many songs, which are played in different order or in different places, but when you have to manage 50 to 150 cues its very confusing mixing cue numbers without renumbering.

    many greetings


    Profile photo of Brian

    Msteel isn’t saying you need to “insert” empty scenes. He is simply saying you should start by only saving scenes on the “10s” for example. In other words, the first scene you need to save should be saved in slot 10, the second scene you need to save should be saved in slot 20, etc, etc, etc. Then if down the road you discover you need to “insert” a scene between the first two scenes, you simply save it in slot 15.

    Doing it this way would allow you to save up to 50 scenes (songs, scenes of a play, etc) and have up to 9 additional “sub-scenes” available for each main scene. Of course if you expect to need more than 50 main scenes, then perhaps you start by saving them in increments of “5” instead of “10”. So 10, 15, 20, 25, etc. That would give you 100 initial scenes and allow you to insert scenes later on as needed.

    A “blank” scene (a scene slot without a scene written into it) is simply ignored by the system when using “next, previous, etc. So if you are on scene 10 and hit next, it would just to the next scene regardless if it is in slot 11, 15, 20, etc. with “blank” scenes in-between.

    Profile photo of matthiasHAU

    good idea! That helps until implementation.

    I wonder why it’s not yet implemented, although you can move cues up and down?
    What ever it is, we have to wait.

    thanks for the tip.

    many greetings


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