Having checked the reference guide, but wanting just double check:
Q: If I already have captured 32 channels of audio at 96kHz and it’s in the DAW on my Mac, Can I stream those 32 channels into the SQ series at 96kHz?
I ask because similar, although less expensive mixers with USB interfaces, can push 32 channels only at the lower 44.1 or 48 kHz rates. On other mixers, if you want to achieve 96kHz on 32 channels, you can’t; you have to bring your channel count to half.
From the reference guide:
“SQ USB-B connection
– 48kHz or 96kHz
– I/O channel count 32×32 simultaneous
– Free patching to and from SQ/USB-B”
• It sounds like you can pass 32 channels from your DAW at the full 96kHz.
Is that correct?