PEQ question

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    Profile photo of RTonkRTonk

    Page 89: The PEQ HF and LF sections have three options – Lowpass/highpass filter, Bell filter, and High and Low shelf.

    Am I correct that all three of these options can be used independently from each other and it is not a situation where you can only use one of the three?

    Page 79: In the ‘Processing’ page, there is a HPF on the ‘input’ square (where gain can be adjusted) and also the ability to adjust the HPF on the PEQ page itself (page 82). Is the idea that you set the baseline HPF on the ‘input’ page and use the PEQ HPF to adjust from there if needed? Seems strange to have it in both places.

    Profile photo of ScottScott

    For the two outer bands, you can have them act in 1 of the three modes each. The high and low are independent of each other, and they are also independent from all other channels on the mixer.

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @RTonk,

    These are three ‘modes’ for the LF and HF PEQ bands, so they are only ever one of the options available.
    There is a separate HPF which exists earlier in the signal path (to remove unwanted LF content before the signal hits the gate and insert point). This is adjusted from the preamp section of a complete channel but also shown on the PEQ graph, so you’re aware those frequencies have already been attenuated.
    You can see the position of the HPF in the block diagram on page 132 of the current (V1.1.0) user guide.


    Profile photo of JkeJke

    From what I understand, to KISS, the HPF on the preamp is for recording, while the HPF on the EQ is for mixing.
    I.e, regardless of your selected source point when recording to DAW, the HPF on the preamp will always be recorded, while HPF on EQ will record if your selected source point is set at or above Post EQ.

    Feel free to correct me @KeithJ

    Profile photo of RTonkRTonk

    Thanks for the help! Is there a particular use case you would use the HPF in the PEQ vs the Pre-amp?

    Btw, your videos were instrumental in my purchase of the 18T. Both the formal presentations and less formal livestreams. Good work!

    Profile photo of JkeJke

    One use case I can think of is if you have a vsti (ex, soft synth or Drum plugin) going from DAW to the channel via USB. The HPF on the preamp is not in play in this case, so you would HPF from the EQ instead.

    Profile photo of JkeJke

    To be more generic, if the source comes from usb or sd, it won’t pass the preamp. So you’ll need to high pass from EQ.

    (Wish one could delete or edit posts in here.)

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    From what I understand, to KISS, the HPF on the preamp is for recording, while the HPF on the EQ is for mixing.

    As Keith already pointed out, the high pass filter in the preamp filters out unwanted low frequency content to ensure the gate works as it should.

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