Mute Input Channels in the Meters Window

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  • #119793
    Profile photo of SoundklausSoundklaus

    It would be great if you could mute and unmute unsused channels, without having to drag them onto the surface, when the Inputs Meter Window is displayed. Specially on the C1500 and Cti1500 it would help to mute unused channels that are not on the surface. Maybe it could have the same “safety” feature like we have in the I/O routing display. So a tab that says “Mute” and while holding it, you can mute/unmute the channels you like. When not pressed you can swipe through the input meters without muting or unmuting channels by accident.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    There are ways to accomplish this task now, but it requires running additional software on a computer or mobile device. First, you can use the DLive Director and design a completely different set of layers than what you have on the surface.

    Second and probably a more usable solution is to use the third party app “Mixing Station” on a mobile device or computer. You can design a custom screen that only has what you want. For example, it would be very easy to create a custom screen that contains nothing but mute buttons for any/all of your channels. You could have a small screen/tablet right next to the surface with this interface showing all the time. Of course you can also design other elements in Mixing Station too.

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