How to add effects to monitors on QU Pad app?

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    Profile photo of JacobrownolyJacobrownoly


    Forgive me if this has been covered before, I did a quick search but could not find anything to help me! I am using the QU SB (ipad control only)

    On the QU Pad app, how do I send effects to the monitors (mix channels) ?

    For example, I have 3 vocal channels that need a small amount of reverb in the LR mains but would also like to have the effect in my IEM too without putting reverb on the other instruments.

    How do I go about doing this?

    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Just go to the FX Return channels, then select the mix you want to add the reverb to, ( channels will have the blue “glow” to them) then turn up the mix send on the FX return.

    Just think of the FX returns as any other input channel.

    Profile photo of JacobrownolyJacobrownoly

    Thanks for this Mike! I think that makes sense!

    Also, on the mix channels and FX send channels I see the yellow button for Pre when on, what exactly does this mean? Does that mean pre fader ? If so could you explain to what that means in regards to mix and FX.


    Profile photo of Mike CMike C

    Pre (yellow button on) is “pre fader” button off is “post fader.

    That is the signal pick off point for the selected mix or FX.
    Pre fade is picking the signal before the fader level changes, meaning changes
    made to the main mix will not change the level send to the mix or FX.
    Post fade is picking the signal after the fader level changes, meaning level changes
    to the main mix will also change the level to the mix or FX send.

    Normally monitor mixes at set to pre fade as you don’t want the monitor levels to
    be changing as someone makes adjustments to the main mix.
    FX sends/mixes are normally post fade as you do want the send level to track along
    with changes to the main mix, if FX were set to PRE you could turn down the main mix
    level but still hear the full FX return of the channel.

    You can globally set the mix pre and post options in the mix set up menu by selecting the mix and you can also set if you want the mix send to be pre or post EQ or processing.

    Pre & Post fade mixes are not just a digital mixer thing, they’ve been on analog mixers
    in some form from the beginning.

    Profile photo of JacobrownolyJacobrownoly

    Many thanks for that clear description Mike!

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