Custom input meter screen

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  • #95519
    Profile photo of DaneDane

    The ability to build custom layout metering page with both input meters and mix meters on same screen would be amazing.

    Profile photo of jb07jb07

    I validate the customization of the meters page in order to have only the entries concerned.
    Memorizing the maximum of each entry would be great

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    I realise you may be suggesting this for the console itself, but I just wanted to point out that this is already possible with SQ-MixPad.
    Many users take advantage of the 3 possible instances of SQ-MixPad for exactly this, with one or two devices for mixing and another just for metering (and backup!).

    The ‘Custom’ layers are independent on each device/instance so you would just need to assign the channel strips you want to a custom layer and then select that layer in the ‘Meters’ screen.


    Profile photo of DaneDane

    Hey Keith thx for the reply.

    You’re right I am suggesting this for the console!

    The app is great but I don’t have much space to use the iPad full time in my setup.


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