Is there anyway to find the information on the date and time that you saved a scene, without going to the log events to find it. I know that you can enter more information on the scene. But it might be helpful to have it displayed when you select a scene.
I’d also like to have “scene export” to pc to send file to festivals etc. (Or am I blind?)
Normally I’d say you could send over the show file and let them do an import from you show.
I however had a problem doing that (see other topic on the forum).
Nice feature would be if you could chose what to load from scene, i.e. just input channel gains/eq/dynamics, etc. In the festival output routing will be already done, probably some eq and delays applied and you wouldn’t want to change all that.
You can of course scene safe anything you don’t want changed (output busses, patching etc). Kind of the opposite of choosing what you want to load – with scene safes you are choosing what you DONT want loaded. This was also made a bit better in recent fireware with the Scene Safe matrix view.
Richard Howey
Audio Dynamite Ltd
Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control
Nice feature would be if you could chose what to load from scene, i.e. just input channel gains/eq/dynamics, etc. In the festival output routing will be already done, probably some eq and delays applied and you wouldn’t want to change all that.
This is my personal oppinion: You should never use a mixing board as a system prosessor.
Jukka “Pitkä” Kurkela
Äänimaisema Oy, Finland
iLiveT80 / iDr32
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