Record levels

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of cygnusx-1 cygnusx-1 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Profile photo of cygnusx-1

    Ok, so how can I adjsut them? I am recording the main lr mix, i put the usb in and the finished product has vocals way up front with the drums and instruments in the back. No where even close to the house mix. Any thouggts?

    Profile photo of Chris93

    It actually is the house mix, but without all the sound coming directly off the stage as you’d hear in the room.

    The simplest thing to do is use a post-fade aux to feed the recording, set all the send levels to unity to begin with and then offset them as desired. You can also add some room mics to this, and you can send them pre-face to the same mix (or leave them post-fade and just unassign from LR). If you’re using supgroups in your LR mix you could also use a matrix and send your groups to that with whatever level offsets you need.


    Profile photo of cygnusx-1

    Thanks Chris. I am still new to this board and learning as I go. Took over sound because other guy jetted. How exactly would I go about this? I have watched all the videos from allen and heath but they are brief overviews. Need a more detailed video showing this perhaps. Thanks again.

    Profile photo of Chris93

    If you don’t have a spare stereo aux, go to setup > config > mixer config and create another one. You may need to then go to setup > control > strip assign to put this new mix somewhere on the surface. It’ll be under the mix tab on the left, drag it down to somewhere on the surface, then select it and name it something like “recrd”.

    Once you have this, press its mix button to see the contribution levels and assignment status of each channel to this mix. You’ll want to make sure that all channels you want to record are set “on” and post fade. There is no indication for post-fade, so you just want to make sure that it doesn’t say “pre” (unless you want a channels recording level to be totally independent from its level in the main mix, room mics maybe). Set all the faders (when you have a mix button pressed these become the equivalent of the aux send knobs on an analog console) to 0.

    This levels to this mix are a combination of your fader positions in your main LR mix and the send levels from the channels to the record mix, so you can make whatever offsets you require here. If you’re using any subgroups be aware that the effect of these will not be reflected in the recording, as they happen later in the signal flow than where you’re taking your signal from. DCAs will be reflected, as these effectively modify the fader levels.


    Profile photo of cygnusx-1

    Hey man, I never said thanks. I will do this as u suggest. Makes sense.

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