Current scene on Title bar after power cycle

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  • #79362
    Profile photo of CoronosCoronos

    After a power cycle, there is no indication of what scene is currently active. Could that information be displayed on the Title bar?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi Coronos,

    After a power cycle, the state of the desk is restored as it was when shut down – this is not a scene, and may have significant changes to the most recently loaded scene, which is why a scene is not displayed on power up until after one is loaded.
    An exception is when logging in as a user with a user scene set.


    Profile photo of CoronosCoronos

    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for the reply.

    After a power cycle, the state of the desk is restored as it was when shut down…

    …except that the scene name was on the title bar when it was shut down, no?

    I understand that the scene may have been modified since it was recalled, but could a dot or a pencil icon be added to show that edited state, like other consoles do? By your logic, as soon as a recalled scene is edited, the name should disappear from the title bar.

    In the end, this isn’t a huge deal, but knowing what scene was active when last used would be quite useful at times.

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