"Unmute Shortcut" by pressing reset + mute

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD feature suggestions "Unmute Shortcut" by pressing reset + mute

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  • #48997
    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    Unmute a channel (even if the channel is assigned to DCA’s) by holding down “reset” and press the “mute” button of specific channel.

    Although i like to have DCA’s for mute groups, sometimes it can be hard to figure out which DCAs have to be unmuted to open a specific channel. Especially in case you need just one mic open (for example during a band changeover and the organizer want’s to say something that wasn’t scheduled) rather than unmute all the DCA groups (where other channels are included as well) or try to unassign this specific channel from all the muted DCA’s, how about a “shortcut” to unmute the channel by unassign it from all the DCA’s?
    + This key combination isn’t used for anything else
    + quick, easy and powerful
    – channel volume could raise or lower due unaffected by DCA-Level

    If you like this idea: Thumb up!
    If not – tell me why?

    Side notes:
    This should work with all the input channels as well mix busses and fx busses! Exception DCA-Channels.. There’s no reason why you want to “unassign a dca-channel”!
    Important is that this key-combination only applies on assigned DCAs and not mix-groups! So if for example input channel 1 is routed to a mix-group and to a DCA – only unassign the DCA by pressing reset + mute! Because DCAs have no channel-processings that could effect major changes in sound whereas mix-groups can include dynamics and delays! What I want to say with this: if channel 1 is muted through the mix-group, it will not be unmuted/unassigned by this key-combination!

    Profile photo of ImarconiImarconi


    Very good and useful idea.

    Profile photo of Pit LenzPit Lenz

    Brilliant idea,
    +1 !

    Would you then use that same shortcut to re-mute the channel and “get it back in line” again, after the announcement is done?

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    Hey Pit… If possible to “undo” this unmute-shortcut by the same key – that would be awesome.. But I think that’s then not easy at all to implement! Still in wish for a dedicated UNDO Button! (GrandMA called it the “Ooooppsss”-button ;))

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