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  • #116691
    Profile photo of RTonkRTonk

    My thought was the factory that supplies the LED got one mixed up. My second thought was I will always know my unit. Just wanted to make sure the green light was not indicating something was triggered elsewhere in the unit.

    Profile photo of RTonkRTonk

    Thanks for the help! Is there a particular use case you would use the HPF in the PEQ vs the Pre-amp?

    Btw, your videos were instrumental in my purchase of the 18T. Both the formal presentations and less formal livestreams. Good work!

    Profile photo of RTonkRTonk

    FYI, if you factory reset, you lose all ‘user’ stored scenes, EQ’s, and FX’s. Save them before.

    Profile photo of RTonkRTonk

    As an FYI, my headphone ports on my 18T don’t work either. Did all the troubleshooting, headphones work on guitar amp, tried ‘listening’ and ‘Main L/R’, no channels were solo. Reached out to the US distributor and they are going to RMA the unit after a factory reset didn’t work. I found a guy on another facebook group with the same problem on a 12. He RMA’d also.

    There may be a build QA issue here. The mixer is working well otherwise.

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